Подключение из Go | Tarantool
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Подключение из Go

Examples on GitHub: sample_db, go

The tutorial shows how to use the go-tarantool 2.x library to create a Go application that connects to a remote Tarantool instance, performs CRUD operations, and executes a stored procedure. You can find the full package documentation here: Client in Go for Tarantool.

This section describes the configuration of a sample database that allows remote connections:

      password: '123456'
      - permissions: [ read, write ]
        spaces: [ bands ]
      - permissions: [ execute ]
        functions: [ get_bands_older_than ]

              - uri: ''

  file: 'myapp.lua'
  • The configuration contains one instance that listens for incoming requests on the address.
  • sampleuser has privileges to select and modify data in the bands space and execute the get_bands_older_than stored function. This user can be used to connect to the instance remotely.
  • myapp.lua defines the data model and a stored function.

The myapp.lua file looks as follows:

-- Create a space --

-- Specify field names and types --
    { name = 'id', type = 'unsigned' },
    { name = 'band_name', type = 'string' },
    { name = 'year', type = 'unsigned' }

-- Create indexes --
box.space.bands:create_index('primary', { parts = { 'id' } })
box.space.bands:create_index('band', { parts = { 'band_name' } })
box.space.bands:create_index('year_band', { parts = { { 'year' }, { 'band_name' } } })

-- Create a stored function --
box.schema.func.create('get_bands_older_than', {
    body = [[
        return box.space.bands.index.year_band:select({ year }, { iterator = 'LT', limit = 10 })

You can find the full example on GitHub: sample_db.

Before creating and starting a client Go application, you need to run the sample_db application using tt start:

$ tt start sample_db

Now you can create a client Go application that makes requests to this database.

Before you start, make sure you have Go installed on your computer.

  1. Create the hello directory for your application and go to this directory:

    $ mkdir hello
    $ cd hello
  2. Initialize a new Go module:

    $ go mod init example/hello
  3. Inside the hello directory, create the hello.go file for application code.

In the hello.go file, declare a main package and import the following packages:

package main

import (
	_ "github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool/v2/datetime"
	_ "github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool/v2/decimal"
	_ "github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool/v2/uuid"

The packages for external MsgPack types, such as datetime, decimal, or uuid, are required to parse these types in a response.

  1. Declare the main() function:

    func main() {
  2. Inside the main() function, add the following code:

    // Connect to the database
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    dialer := tarantool.NetDialer{
    	Address:  "",
    	User:     "sampleuser",
    	Password: "123456",
    opts := tarantool.Opts{
    	Timeout: time.Second,
    conn, err := tarantool.Connect(ctx, dialer, opts)
    if err != nil {
    	fmt.Println("Connection refused:", err)
    // Interact with the database
    // ...

    This code establishes a connection to a running Tarantool instance on behalf of sampleuser. The conn object can be used to make CRUD requests and execute stored procedures.

Add the following code to insert four tuples into the bands space:

// Insert data
tuples := [][]interface{}{
	{1, "Roxette", 1986},
	{2, "Scorpions", 1965},
	{3, "Ace of Base", 1987},
	{4, "The Beatles", 1960},
var futures []*tarantool.Future
for _, tuple := range tuples {
	request := tarantool.NewInsertRequest("bands").Tuple(tuple)
	futures = append(futures, conn.Do(request))
fmt.Println("Inserted tuples:")
for _, future := range futures {
	result, err := future.Get()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Got an error:", err)
	} else {

This code makes insert requests asynchronously:

  • The Future structure is used as a handle for asynchronous requests.
  • The NewInsertRequest() method creates an insert request object that is executed by the connection.


Making requests asynchronously is the recommended way to perform data operations. Further requests in this tutorial are made synchronously.

To get a tuple by the specified primary key value, use NewSelectRequest() to create an insert request object:

// Select by primary key
data, err := conn.Do(
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Got an error:", err)
fmt.Println("Tuple selected by the primary key value:", data)

You can also get a tuple by the value of the specified index by using Index():

// Select by secondary key
data, err = conn.Do(
		Key([]interface{}{"The Beatles"}),
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Got an error:", err)
fmt.Println("Tuple selected by the secondary key value:", data)

NewUpdateRequest() can be used to update a tuple identified by the primary key as follows:

// Update
data, err = conn.Do(
		Operations(tarantool.NewOperations().Assign(1, "Pink Floyd")),
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Got an error:", err)
fmt.Println("Updated tuple:", data)

NewUpsertRequest() can be used to update an existing tuple or insert a new one. In the example below, a new tuple is inserted:

// Upsert
data, err = conn.Do(
		Tuple([]interface{}{uint(5), "The Rolling Stones", 1962}).
		Operations(tarantool.NewOperations().Assign(1, "The Doors")),
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Got an error:", err)

In this example, NewReplaceRequest() is used to delete the existing tuple and insert a new one:

// Replace
data, err = conn.Do(
		Tuple([]interface{}{1, "Queen", 1970}),
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Got an error:", err)
fmt.Println("Replaced tuple:", data)

NewDeleteRequest() in the example below is used to delete a tuple whose primary key value is 5:

// Delete
data, err = conn.Do(
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Got an error:", err)
fmt.Println("Deleted tuple:", data)

To execute a stored procedure, use NewCallRequest():

// Call
data, err = conn.Do(
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Got an error:", err)
fmt.Println("Stored procedure result:", data)

The CloseGraceful() method can be used to close the connection when it is no longer needed:

// Close connection
fmt.Println("Connection is closed")


You can find the example with all the requests above on GitHub: go.

  1. Execute the following go get commands to update dependencies in the go.mod file:

    $ go get github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool/v2
    $ go get github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool/v2/decimal
    $ go get github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool/v2/uuid
  2. To run the resulting application, execute the go run command in the application directory:

    $ go run .
    Inserted tuples:
    [[1 Roxette 1986]]
    [[2 Scorpions 1965]]
    [[3 Ace of Base 1987]]
    [[4 The Beatles 1960]]
    Tuple selected by the primary key value: [[1 Roxette 1986]]
    Tuple selected by the secondary key value: [[4 The Beatles 1960]]
    Updated tuple: [[2 Pink Floyd 1965]]
    Replaced tuple: [[1 Queen 1970]]
    Deleted tuple: [[5 The Rolling Stones 1962]]
    Stored procedure result: [[[2 Pink Floyd 1965] [4 The Beatles 1960]]]
    Connection is closed

Есть еще два доступных коннектора от опенсорс-сообщества:

Чтобы подробнее ознакомиться с этими коннекторами, посмотрите таблицу сравнения функций всех доступных Go-коннекторов.

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