Python | Tarantool
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tarantool-python is the official Python connector for Tarantool. It is not supplied as part of the Tarantool repository and must be installed separately (see below for details).

Далее приводится пример полноценной программы на языке Python, которая осуществляет вставку [99999,'Value','Value'] в спейс examples с помощью высокоуровневого API для языка Python.

from tarantool import Connection

c = Connection("", 3301)
result = c.insert("examples",(99999,'Value', 'Value'))
print result

Чтобы запустить тестовую программу, сохраните ее исходный код в файл с именем и установите коннектор tarantool-python. Для установки коннектора воспользуйтесь либо командой pip install tarantool>0.4 (для установки в директорию /usr; вам потребуются права уровня root), либо командой pip install tarantool>0.4 --user (для установки в директорию ~, т.е. в используемую по умолчанию директорию текущего пользователя).

Before trying to run, check that the server instance is listening at localhost:3301 and that the space examples exists, as described earlier. To run the program, say python The program will connect to the Tarantool server, will send the INSERT request, and will not throw any exception if all went well. If the tuple already exists, the program will throw tarantool.error.DatabaseError: (3, "Duplicate key exists in unique index 'primary' in space 'examples'").

The example program only shows one request and does not show all that’s necessary for good practice. For that, please see tarantool-python project at GitHub.

Кроме того, сообщество разработчиков поддерживает другие Python-коннекторы:

The table below contains a feature comparison for asynctnt and tarantool-python. aiotarantool and gtarantool are absent there because they are quite outdated and unmaintained.

Last update: September 2023

Parameter igorcoding/asynctnt tarantool/tarantool-python
License Apache License 2.0 BSD-2
Is maintained Yes Yes
Known Issues None None
Documentation Yes ( Yes (readthedocs and
Testing / CI / CD GitHub Actions GitHub Actions
GitHub Stars 73 92
Static Analysis Yes (Flake8) Yes (Flake8, Pylint)
Packaging pip pip, deb, rpm
Code coverage Yes Yes
Support asynchronous mode Yes, asyncio No
Batching support No Yes (with CRUD API)
Schema reload Yes (automatically, see auto_refetch_schema) Yes (automatically)
Space / index names Yes Yes
Access tuple fields by names Yes No
SQL support Yes Yes
Interactive transactions Yes No (issue #163)
Varbinary support Yes (in MP_BIN fields) Yes
Decimal support Yes Yes
UUID support Yes Yes
EXT_ERROR support Yes Yes
Datetime support Yes Yes
Interval support No (issue #30) Yes
box.session.push() responses Yes Yes
Session settings No No
Graceful shutdown No No
IPROTO_ID (feature discovery) Yes Yes
CRUD support No Yes
Transparent request retrying No No
Transparent reconnecting Autoreconnect Yes (reconnect_max_attempts, reconnect_delay), checking of connection liveness
Connection pool No Yes (with master discovery)
Support of PEP 249 – Python Database API Specification v2.0 No Yes
Encrypted connection (Enterprise Edition) No (issue #22) Yes
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